PLAN-Industriefahrzeug GmbH & Co. KG
Manufacturer of internal transport systems

Rolltrailers / Rollpallets

The rollpallet is used in combination with a forklift gooseneck (GSH), which serves as the connecting element to the forklift truck. The advantage of this transport system is that the load is distributed 1/3 on the forklift truck and 2/3 on the wheels of the rollpallet, thereby effectively tripling the payload capacity of the forklift truck.

Rollpallets are completely variable in use, as they can be both pushed and pulled.

The exchange of two rollpallets can be done without the forklift truck driver needing to exit the vehicle. By setting down the rollpallet and further lowering the GSH, the mechanical connection is automatically released, and the GSH is freed. Picking up another rollpallet to carry out the next transport is just as quick.

The GSH consists of a mounting console for the forks, the gooseneck, and the tongue, which is inserted into the coupling mouth of the rollpallet. The fork tunnels of the console are specifically adapted to predefined fork geometries. For a form-fitting and secure locking between the GSH and the forklift truck, three different variants are offered:

Plug bolt

By manually attaching two locking pins, a connection between the GSH and the forklift truck is established.


Through the hydraulic fork adjustment of the forklift truck, the forks are moved within the console behind retaining tabs, thereby forming a connection between the forklift truck and the GSH.


Through a folding mechanism that automatically moves behind the forks, a connection is created between the forklift truck and the GSH.

Conclusion: You can achieve a tripling of the forklift truck’s lifting capacity.


  • Low maintenance
  • Easy handling of GSH
  • Tripling the truck’s lifting capacity

Complete system consisting of forklift + GSH + rollpallet

The important steps summarized:

  • Manoeuver the truck’s forks into the GSH’s receiving console and the toe into the rollpallet’s coupling mouth.
  • After the toe is in the coupling mouth, it is locked with the coupling mouth by traction and the rollpallet can be raised.

IMPORTANT: This transport system can both be pulled and pushed.

Standard version


  • Wooden platform cover (pine 55 mm)
  • Standard coupling mouth
  • Rigid axle
  • Solid rubber tyres
Rollpallet Standard version Rollpallet Standard version Rollpallet Standard version Rollpallet Standard version

Custom version


  • Steel plate 10 mm
  • Custom coupling mouth with safety hooks
  • Lashing points on each side
  • Oscillating axle for distribution of load
  • Pneumatic tyres
Rollpallet custom version Rollpallet custom version Rollpallet custom version Rollpallet custom version